Corona Virus Soforthilfe

Are you affected by the Corona crisis?

Are you or your employees quarantined or working shorttime? Do you want to use the taxreliefs, loans or immediate help provided by the government?


Corona Quarantäne, Entschädigung
Corona Quarantäne, Entschädigung


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Due to § 29 and § 30 Infektionsschutzgesetz (Infection protection act) the authorities are entitled to impose a Quarantine. In case of general illness, the employer has to continue salaries due to Lohnfortzahlungsgesetz.

In case of Quarantine without illness, victims are entitled to compensation at an amount of their net-sellaries. The employer has to carry it and reclaim it within three months, recovery due to § 56 Infektionsschutzgesetz.

Self-employed persons are entitled to recovery of their business expense in case of Qurantine-order, due to § 56 Infektionsschutzgesetz.

Corona Kurzarbeit, Anwalt

Short-time allowance

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Access to reduced hours compensation for employers can be reached from 1st March 2020, provided that the conditions are met.

Steuererleichterungen, Anwalt, Soforthilfe


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The German Ministry of finance is preparing a tax-aid for company’s. The rules will comprise: The taxes will be deferred in case of decline of revenues:

  • Taxprepaiments will be adapted at income and entity taxes. It shall be handled uncomplicated.
  • Companies will be entitled to reduction of their prepayments on income, entity and commercial taxes. The IHK Munich has developed a form to download: Download Form
  • Measures of enforcement will be deferred until 31. December as long as a debtor is concerned and affected by Corona.
Corona Virus, Sozialleistungen Stundung

Deferral of social benefits

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§ 76 II S. 1 Nr. 1 SGB IV permits deferral of contributions to social benefits in case of exspected hardship for a company.

Corona, Kredit, Liquiditätshilfe

Solvency supports

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The Government has taken a resolution to establish a protection shield for companies, in order to absorb declining demands or discontinuances.

Promotion by KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau):

  • KfW-loans will be granted more relaxed
  • KfW-loan for growths will be available for bigger companies as well
  • guaranties by guarantee banks up to 2,5 Million Euro

KfW-loans are available starting 23. March 2020 and have to be requested by your local bank.

  • Companies which are effected by Coronacrises can use additional KfW-special programs. For these programs German government guaranties 460 Billion (Milliarden) Euro.
  • The German Government will, additionally, deliver guaranties for exportcredits (Hermes).

For full information see website of the Bundeswirtschaftministerium.

Promotion by LFA

Several Landesbanken offer solvency aids as loans and guarantees.

Corona Soforthilfe Deutschland

Emergency aid

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The federal government has also promised emergency aid. The details are still being worked on. 

Corona Soforthilfe Bayern

Emergency aid - Bavarian

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The Bavarian Government has established a program for small commercials, being in economic crises and solvency shortage.

In Bavaria , self-employed, small commercials and companies with maximum 250 Employees are entitled to emergency aid.

These are graduated, depending on the number of employees:

  • up to 5 Employees 5.000 EURO
  • up to 10 Employees 7.500 EURO
  • up to 50 Employees 15.000 EURO
  • up to 250 Employees 30.000 EURO

You will find the application form on the website of Bayerisches Wirtschaftministerium: Fill out application

You should print the application form, sign it and forward it via e-mail or mail to on of the following governments:

  • Region MUnich
  •  Region Oberbayern
  •  Region Niederbayern
  • REgion Oberpfalz
  •  Region Oberfranken
  • ReGion mittelfranken
  •  Region Unterfranken
  •  Region Schwaben
Corona Soforthilfe Berlin

Berlin solvency aid

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Small and media sized companies up to 250 Employees are entitled to solvency aids in the way of loans. They can be applied at the Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB).


In case of support or advice needed, please contact Mattil at


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