Stocks / SME bonds / joint representation

Stocks / SME bonds / joint representation

Numerous (private and institutional) investors finance companies by drawing stocks, profit participation rights or similar. Prior to the crisis of the financial enterprises these financing investors can take influence by determining a joint representative for their stocks / their profit participation rights which is to be paid by the issuing company. This joint representative is able to take influence on behalf of the investors. 

We represent investors among others in the following fields: 

Selecting a joint representative;

Voting out and replacing a joint representative, for example by contesting the appointment of the joint representative;

Enforcing the claims of the stock creditors as joint representative, for example within the scope of insolvency vis-à-vis the insolvency administrator
(Lawyers Peter Mattil, Esq. and Sascha Borowski, Esq. are joint representatives pursuant to the Securities Act).


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