Katja Fohrer

Katja Fohrer - Fachanwältin für Bankrecht und Kapitalmarktrecht



Frau Manuela Eigemann

Tel: +49 89 242938-42
Fax: +49 89 242938-45
E-Mail: eigemann(@)mattil.de


  • Studied at LMU in Munich; has been admitted to the bar since 8/98


  • Article in kapital markt intern - special no. 25/05 of 23rd June 2005: Securities and Asset Funds (together with Peter Mattil)
  • Article in DFI-Report: Was die Einführung einer allgemeinen Prospektpflicht für den Anleger bedeutet, DFI-Report, no. 23/04, DFI-Forum, p. 9-10 (size: 1.412 KB).
  • Author of the loose-leaf work "Handbuch der internationalen Zwangsvollstreckung", chapter D and E to the EuGVVO I: "Grenzüberschreitende Maßnahmen des einstweiligen Rechtsschutzes" and "Anerkennung und Vollstreckung", Verlag Recht und Praxis resp. Deubner Verlag, Cologne, update 2002.
  • Author of commentary "The New Commercial Code in Business Practice", Forum-Verlag, Merching, loose-leaf work with three annual supplements
  • Author of the loose-leaf work "Das neue Kontroll- und Transparenzgesetz - Geforderte Prüfungen und Berichte, Risikomanagement zur Unternehmenssicherung, Möglichkeiten der Haftungsbegrenzung", Forum-Verlag, Merching.
  • Article in kapital markt intern (kmi, sector information service in Düsseldorf): 
    "Financial Services in Europe – "European Passport", kmi-spezial no. 07/00 of 17th February 2000 (size: 255 KB)

JUVE: German commercial law firms 2006: Mattil and colleagues

  • "Highly recommended firm in securities and Funds litigation, which is appearing more frequently on a national level. Competitors consider the firm as having made a leap forward. A long side its legals expertise, it is also praised for its public image.

    Practise strengths: fraud issues with international elements.

    Practise: advice to private investors, in particular in the fields of real estate funds, securities investments, futures and other investments: litigation in class action proceedings. Strong commitment to german investors abroad, close cooperation with lawyers in Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein and another EU-countries. Occasional litigation on behalf of investmentbrokers."


English, French, Italian


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