Capital investment law

Capital investment law

For over 20 years the law office Mattil & Kollegen has been successfully representing investors who have for example invested in the following products of the regulated and unregulated (so-called “grey”) capital market:

Closed funds (in particular media, film, real estate, shipping, games and aircraft (leasing) fund, as well as renewable energy fund, including among others wind, bio and solar fund);

Open real estate funds;

Securities, stocks and bonds (in particular government bonds, stocks, bonds, certificates, profit participation rights, subordinated loans);

Life insurance policies (in particular structured insurance products, for example, unit-linked life insurance policies).

Not only within the scope of verifying, but also in enforcing do we in all cases consider the development of jurisdiction and all claim opponents in question in order to take the most promising path together with our client. As an alternative to the judicial dispute, we verify the possibility of alternative dispute resolution methods in so-called conciliatory or arbitration proceedings.

By cooperating with Kollegen in Switzerland, Great Britain, France and further EU states we are also able to handle and enforce cases with an international dimension (e.g. if the investment company has its registered offices in a foreign country, or if assets of the claim opponent are located in a foreign country, thus requiring attachment in that country).


UDI - Urteile: OLG Dresden verurteilt Geschäftsführer sowie UDI-Vermittlungsgesellschaften zu Schadenersatz wegen Prospektmängeln und KWG-Verstoß | EILMELDUNG vom 18.07.2024: PREOS AG meldet Insolvenz beim AG Leipzig an |   Project-Immobilienfonds | Wirecard: Rückforderung der Dividenden. Klagen gegen EY Global eingereicht. | P&R: Der BGH entscheidet über Rückforderungen bei P&R; Dritte Abschlagzahlung läuft