Peter Mattil

Peter Mattil - Fachanwalt für Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht



Ms. M. Engelhardt
Tel: +49 89 242938-0
Fax: +49 89 242938-25

Special focus of interest on

Capital investment law/capital market law/corporate law (limited liability company law and stock corporation law)

Mattil, Esq. has already functioned as an expert in the Financial Committee of the Federal Government several times and submitted statements on the following draft bills:

  • 1 July 2009:
    Public hearing on the topic “Grey Capital Market” (BT printed matter 16/13402)
  • 1 December 2010:
    Public hearing regarding the bill on Investor Protection and Functionality Improvement Act (BT printed matter 17/3628)
  • 6 July 2011:
    Public hearing regarding the bill on the amendment of the law on the mediation of financial assets and asset investments (BT printed matter 17/6051)
  • 28 March 2012:
    Public hearing regarding the bill on the amendment directive 2010/73/EU and on the amendment of the Stock Exchange Act (BT printed matter 17/8684)
  • 3 March 2013:
    Public hearing regarding the bill on implementing the directive 2011 /161/EU (AFIM-Umsetzungsgesetz-Kapitalanlagengesetzbuch) BT printed matter 17/12294.
The appropriate statements of the law firm Mattil to the financial committee can be requested from the law firm.
  • 19 May 2014
    Public hearing at the Financial Committee of the Federal Government on 19 May 2014 regarding the bill on “Drafting a law to adapt acts in the area of the financial market”. 
  • 16 March 2015:
    Public hearing regarding the small investor protection act [Kleinanlegerschutzgesetz], BT printed matter 18/3994.
  • 11 January 2016: 
    Public hearing regarding the Umsetzungsgesetz OGAW, BT printed matter 18/6744
  • 14 March 2016:
    Public hearing regarding the amendment act of the financial market, BT printed matter 18/784
  • 08.03.2017:
    Öffentliche Anhörung zu dem 2. FinanzmarktnovellierungsG, BT Drucksache 18/10936; weitere Informationen finden Sie hier...
  • 26.04.2017:
    Hearing as an expert in the financial committe (Finanzausschuss) regarding the transition of EU directive 2015/2366, BT-Drucksache 18/11495; weitere Informationen finden Sie read more ...
  • 17.5.2017:
    Hearing as an expert in the "Finanz-TÜV", regarding the introduction of a financial market supervision, BT-Drucksache 18/9709
  • 13.6.2018:
     Hearing as an expert  in the financial committe (Finanzausschuss) regarding implementation of EU directive 2017/1129 ( BT-Drucksache 19/2435 ).
  • 08.4.2019:
    Hearing as an expert in the financial committee (Finanzausschuss) regarding the implementation of EU Reg 2017/1129
  • 27.5.2020:
    Hearing as an expert in the financial committe (Finanzausschuss) regarding the transition of financial supervision to the BAFin 27.5.2020
  • 28.10.2020:
    Hearing as an  expert in the financial committee ( Finanzausschuss ) of the german parliament. ( Bundestag) , regarding the „ act for reduction of risks in banking „ and implementation of directives 2019/878 and 2019/879 .

Areas of expertise

Capital investment law/capital market law

Corporate law (in particular GmbH and AG)

Trade law

European law

Professional career

Born on 1st January 1959, studied at LMU, Munich; has been admitted to the bar since 1988; member of the German Attorneys at law Association; member of Zentrale für GmbH (Otto Schmidt); also admitted to the bar at the Munich Higher Regional Court and the Bavarian Supreme Court. He is currently working on his dissertation in the field of the European capital market law.


1. Essays

  • “Die europäische Sammelklage. Rechtsvergleichende und EU-rechtliche Betrachtungen“ [The European class action. Comparative law and EC law considerations. In: WM, Wertpapiermitteilungen, magazine for industrial and banking law, 12/2008, p. 521-525. By Peter Mattil and Vanessa Desoutter
  • “Class Action in Europe: comparative law and EC law considerations”. In: Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law . October 2008, p. 484-488. By Peter Mattil and Vanessa Desoutter
  • „Le recours collectif européen. Etat de situation“. Revue de droit bancaire et financier No. 4, July/August 2008. By Peter Mattil and Vanessa Desoutter
  • The language of the prospectus: Europeanisation and investor protection. In: International Banking and Financial Law. Volume 23, No. 1, January 2008
  • „La langue du prospectus d’emission et la protection des investisseurs“. Revue de droit bancaire et financier No. 4, July/August 2007. By Peter Mattil and Dr. Florian Möslein.
  • The language of the emission prospectus – Europeanisation of prospectus law and investor protection, securities market publications (WM) 18/2007 of 5 May 2007
  • Sample capital investor proceedings in Germany – What does the branch have to face? Kmi-Special edition, insert with edition No. 35/05 of 1 September 2005
  • Securities and assets. Offering services and investments without prospectus in the European economic area remains implemented in part and strongly regulated, kmi Special, insert with No. 25/05 of 23 June 2005 (in cooperation with Katja Fohrer, Esq.)
  • What the introduction of general prospectus obligation means for the investor (volume: 1, 412 KB), in DFI Report No. 23/04, DFI-Forum, p. 9 f (in cooperation with Katja Fohrer, Esq.). Click here to read the text as html file. 
  • Identifying perfidious words and sentences in due time (volume 2,951 KB) in Vermögen & Steuern 2/04, p. 21, 23. Click here to read the text as html file.
  • Counsellor and broker liability – reducing risks in practice (4,392 KB), kmi-spezial, insert to NO. 30/03 of 24 July 2003 (in cooperation with Katja Fohrer, Esq.). Click here to read the text as html file.
  • “Vermittlung von Wertpapieren: ‘Wasserdichte’ Vermittlung und Beratung von Finanzdienstleistungen”. [Brokering securities – waterproof brokering and counselling of financial services]. Wirtschaftsdienst für Versicherungs- und Bausparkaufleute 6/2002, p. 16-19
  • „Der ‚grenzüberschreitende‘ dingliche Arrest im Anwendungsbereich des EuGVÜ“ [Transborder arrest in rem in the area of application of the Brussels Convention] (in cooperation with Katja Fohrer, Esq.) in Wertpapier-Mitteilungen WM, edition 17/2002, p. 840-847, quoted in Zöller, Zivilprozessordnung, 25th edition, 2005, § 917 ZPO [Code of Civil Procedure], margin note 17 at the end.
  • Viertes Finanzmarktförderungsgesetz: Die Auswirkungen auf Makler bei der Vermittlung von Finanzdienstleistungen [Fourth financial market promotion act: The effects on brokers in brokering financial services]. Wirtschaftsdienst für Versicherungsmakler 4/2002 (volume 1,669 KB)
  • „Was bring die EU-Vermittler-Richtlinie?“ [What effect will the EU broker directive have?] Wirtschaftsdienst für Versicherungsmakler 3/2002 (volume 2,092 KB) or as text version – click here
  • EdW: Investor compensation with hindrances (I). Kapitalmarkt intern, dated 25 May 2000 (volume 338 KB) or as text version – click here
  • „Finanzdienstleistungen in Europa – Europäischer Paß“ [Financial services in Europe – European Passport], kmi-spezial No. 07/00 of 17 February 2000 (volume : 255 KB) or as text version – click here
  • „Die Einlagensicherungs- und Anlegerentschädigungsgesetz vom 26.07.1998“ [The deposit protection and investor compensation act of 26 July 1998], kmi-spezial, No. 10/99 of 11 March 1999 (volume 282 KB) or as text version – click here
  • „Erweiterung des Begriffes „Bankgeschäfte“ nach der 6. KWG Novelle, Probleme bei der Vermittlung stiller Geschäftsbeteiligungen“ [Extending the term „banking transactions“ following the 6th KWG amendment, problems in mediating silent business investments“, kmi-spezial No. 26/98 of 25 June 1998 (volume 266 KB) or as text version – click here.

2. Miscellaneous

The law office in the media

Cp. also Juve Handbuch [manual] 2006/2007 to 2014/2015 (Lawyer ranking): In this ranking the law office Mattil & Kollegen is listed as leading law office in investor protection and described among others as follows
“Frequently recommended law office for capital investor protection, referred to among competitors as ‘aspiring’ and ‘highly qualified’.

Also see 

Wirtschaftswoche of 20 April 2009: Immer gut beraten – always well advised. Die WiWo Top-Kanzleien [The Top WiWo Law Offices].
Capital 07/2008: Wo Anleger qualifizierten Rechtsrat finden [Where investors get qualified legal advice] and
Wirtschaftswoche of 14 April 2008: Der Jäger: Peter Mattil [The Hunter: Peter Mattil]


English, French


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