
UPDATE 26.05.2020

A so-called “Global Investor Committee“

Addressed to all investors in an email letter dated 13 May 2020. The Global Investor Committee aims at securing the assets of GPG and recovering their monies invested. GPG had recently announced a necessity of formal insolvency or a possibility of restructuring the business. This committee intents to “take control of assets and on the development of those assets”. Those assets should be transferred to a new company, wholly owned and controlled by the investors.
In an additional letter of 15 May 2020 the “GPG creditors team” informed the creditors that, for the purpose of implementing the plan will require substantial financing. They proposed to claim contribution from the introducing brokers that recommended these investments.
Law firm MATTIL is acting for investors in the field of financial markets since more than 20 years.
We advise and represent investors of Dolphin Trust/GPG and attorney Peter Mattil was already interviewed for TV broadcasting in German Bayerischer Rundfunk and BBC/in Great Britain. In case you are interested in independent advice please contact us by attached form.

In a joint investigation by BR Kontrovers, BBC 4 and hr, a team of journalists follows the tracks of “Dolphin”, a Hanover based real estate developer who claims to buy and refurbish listed buildings in Germany. But the investigation shows that many of the buildings, several of them in Bavaria, are decaying for years instead of experiencing a renovation. Furthermore, the team talks to German flat buyers who waited for years for their apartments to be renovated and to investors from all around the world who are waiting for their money which they put into “Dolphin” as an investment. Who profits from this business with listed buildings?

An expert for financial market law, attorney Peter Mattil, states in an interview in Kontrovers that investors should be aware of risking their investment.


Contact Person

Kanzlei Mattil


Tel.: +49 89 242938-0
Fax: +49 89 242938-25


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